Localtopia 2015
February 4, 2015 | Category: Beer FestivalKeep Saint Petersburg Local is bringing back Localtopia to Williams Park for its 2nd year! This FREE family and pet-friendly “Community Celebration of All Things Local” also commemorates KSPL’s 3-Year Anniversary!
Over 100 vendors/participants from St. Pete’s favorite independent businesses for arts & culture, shopping, eating & drinking, health & wellness + service providers and non-profits
Local craft beer garden with the “Drink Like A Local” draft beer truck serving brews from St. Pete’s breweries (Brewers Tasting Room , Cycle Brewing, Green Bench Brewing Co., St Petersburg Brewing Company) and other carefully selected Florida craft brewers
*** Beer Garden Sponsor: Brown Distributing *** + Invaluable Assistance from *** The Ale and the Witch & Urban Brew and BBQ / Urban Comfort ***
Live music and entertainment all day on the Williams Park bandstand
*** Stage Sponsor: The Hideaway Cafe ***
- 10:00 Mayor Rick Kriseman will open the event
- 10:15-10:45 Gypsy Wind
- 11:00-11:30 Rose Island Band
- 11:45-12:15 Jun? (Bustamante)
- 12:30-1:00 Mountain Holler
- 1:15-1:45 Danfield
- 2:00-2:45 Rebekah Pulley & The Reluctant Prophets
- 3:00-3:45 Betty Fox Band
- 4:00-5:00 Have Gun, Will Travel
“LOCAL FOOD COURT” with local restaurants and LOCAL BUDS: Artisan Collective vendors
With CARMADA art cars, NOMADstudio Art Bus, KEEP ST. PETE LIT, Bluebird Books Bus (NOMAD, Keep St. Pete Lit & Bluebird Books Bus will be presenting elements of “PASSAGES: A Visual-Literary Love Letter to St. Pete,” the travelling creative installation that premiered at First Night – you can contribute your own love letter to St. Pete)
- The NOMADstudio Art Bus invites you to add to their mobile mural by painting a visual symbol of your love for St. Pete on the side of the Art Bus. They will also be teaching Localtopians how to fold origami hearts as a symbol that “hate can not drive out hate, only LOVE can do that”
- The Literary Corner (in partnership with Keep St. Pete Lit, St. Pete Zine Fest, Wordier Than Thou) with local authors signing books, zine makers selling their creations & you can climb aboard the Bluebird Books Bus and get free books or donate your books
- The Oleson Gallery and Bloom Art Center will have a pop-up shop pod featuring Bloom Art Center’s resident artists
- Local artists will also be vending and live painting in the Arts Village
- St. Pete’s arts and culture organizations will have booths in the Arts Village
- St. Pete Indie Market Village
- Skate Village with Skate Ramp & Tricks by Schoolyard Skatepark
- Family Village with special, engaging experiences
- More surprises to be revealed!
Here’s why there’s a Localtopia: http://keepsaintpetersburglocal.org/blog/post/the-heart-in-localtopia
BRING NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS TO DONATE TO Hannah’s Homeless & The Kind Mouse Productions, Inc. + BRING BOOKS TO DONATE TO THE Bluebird Books Bus
OFFICIAL AFTER-PARTY AT Reno Downtown Joint – https://www.facebook.com/events/332300710295181/