Cigar City Honored at Tampa Fast 50 Awards
August 5, 2014 | Category: Brewery AnnouncementEvery year, Tampa Bay Business Journal honors 50 of the fastest growing companies in the Tampa Bay Area. This year, Cigar City Brewing was awarded a Top 15 position in the Tampa Fast 50 with 138.11% growth. No, we didn’t make that number up. That’s impressive! It comes as no surprise though. This extraordinary growth is due to multiple factors: production increase, distribution increase, staff increase, and of course that sweet new gig aboard Carnival Cruise Lines. Not to mention the expansion of the brand with the new (almost open!) Cigar City Cider & Mead division.
Tampa’s craft beer pioneers certainly deserve every bit of praise that they receive. Here in Florida, we are accustom to seeing CCB’s Florida Cracker or Hotter Than Helles on our grocery store shelves. We forget, this isn’t the case in many other states. Cigar City Brewing is highly sought after outside of Florida, and when available, usually sells out quickly. The magnetism the brewery has created around their beers gives Tampa a pretty good edge in the craft beer community and created an entirely new reason for tourists to come explore our area, not only CCB, but all of our local breweries. Here’s to another year of growing, CCB! We can’t wait to see what you come up with next!