Angry Chair Brewing


Everybody has an angry chair, be it work, a traffic jam, or where else. Angry Chair Brewing is about the realization that you have one and the celebration that you can get away from it. We come from a corporate background where we associated these places as our “angry chair” so we wanted to establish a brewery and tasting room to break away from the monotony, the rat race, the white collar world, or wherever your angry chair is.

Everyone has an angry chair. We revel in discovering it, and then getting away from it. Where’s your Angry Chair?

The ultimate plan at Angry Chair Brewing is to brew beers that we like to drink. Right now we like to drink more sessionable styles: hoppy pale ales, Berliner weisses, low ABV saison, and other easy-drinkers. We plan to lean on these styles for our core beers. However, one thing we absolutely believe to be true is that the public will be choosing our “core” beers for us: if you like the beer, we will keep brewing it.f


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